Welcome to ed-Tech Ninja. This website will hopefully become a place for sharing ideas and resource for teachers looking to use and integrate technology in the classroom.

Throughout the year, my job as a third grade teacher who strives to include technology into his curriculum, I create different resources that I can use year after year (if I remember that I created them). These resources are varied and include many of the curriculum areas and I happen to think that many of them are pretty good. Normally, I share them with my fellow teachers to use or ignore. Most of the time I get positive feedback. Many time I wonder if other teachers would find some of the things that I create useful. Now with ed-Tech Ninja, I have a place to share my creations with a wider audience. Everything here will be licensed under a Creative Commons license by the creator. This means you can use any resources created here as long as you give credit to the creator of the resource, use it in non-commercial ways, and that you can modify the work in any way as long and you freely share the resource with other teachers. If you would like to read more about Creative Commons especially as it pertains to eduction check out ccLearn and the Creative Commons Education portal.

I would also like to include resources from other teachers, including you. I will soon be posting on how to share your own recourses through ed-Tech Ninja.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

edTech Ninja Blog


YouTube could be used as a resource to find movies and drop into SmartBoard Notebook. However many school districts block the website because of inappropriate material that has been posted there. Enter TeacherTube (http://www.teachertube.com) the YouTube for teachers....

Graphing: Pictographs and Bar Graphs

Creating, using, and interpreting graphs is a major part of the math curriculum. Here we have an introductory Smartboard Notebook lesson for pictographs and bar graphs. I would probably do this Notebook lesson over two math periods.

First, students are introduced to what graphing is. Then students take a closer look at pictographs and the different parts of pictographs. There are some interactive elements to allow students to answer questions about the pictographs and the parts of a pictograph. Finally, there are attached PDFs that will allow students to collect their own data and then graph it on a pictograph. The same sequence is used for bar graphs…

M&M Data Survey

M&M Data Survey is a website that allows students to gather and share data about the color of M&Ms. Students can then take and manipulate the data, put it into graphs. The site also includes a downloads page in which you can get letter to send home to parents...

Quick and Easy Tech Training

Want to improve your skills on the computer but you don't want to spend a bunch of time? Check out http://www.180techtips.com. At 180 Technology Tips, you can sign up to receive an e-mail with a technology mini-lesson. The mini lessons take less than five minutes to...

Create Review Games

Create review games with http://www.contentgenerator.net/. Many of the games you have to purchase but there are some games that are free including Fling the Teacher.

The First Thanksgiving

The legend of Thanksgiving is has grown and grown over the years. Today, what many younger students consider to be an historical view of Thanksgiving is just a cartoon of what actually happened. Was it called Thanksgiving? Did they eat turkey? How many Indians were at the first Thanksgiving? What was life like for children at the time of the first Thanksgiving?…

Jeopardy Template

I like to look for fun and interactive ways to review concepts before a test. One of those ways was using a Jeopardy style game. There are several PowerPoint versions of Jeopardy games but I wanted one I Notebook…

Welcome to ed-Tech Ninja

Welcome to ed-Tech Ninja. This website will hopefully become a place for sharing ideas and resource for teachers looking to use and integrate technology in the classroom.

Throughout the year, my job as a third grade teacher who strives to include technology into his curriculum, I create different resources that I can use year after year (if I remember that I created them). These resources are varied and include many of the curriculum areas and I happen to think that many of them are pretty good…